Rango review

I often find reasons to feel sorry for adults who miss out on animated content because they dismiss it as ‘for kids,’ and Rango could be exhibit ‘A’.

We watched this amazing film during lockdown, and in a single viewing it made it into my amorphous, un-quantified ‘top list’. Rango is an Isekai story about a gecko who finds himself in the midst of a place where he must make himself. It is stuffed full of great characters and scenes and dialogue and makes a familiar story lively and fresh.

Animation is a production method, not a genre, and there are several animation styles. Rango is at the absolute top of the photo-realistic animation style, with story, scripting, and cinematography in the realm of ‘Star Wars’ or ‘Raiders Of The Lost Ark’.

If you aren’t exactly sold on Clint Eastwood’s latest ‘white dude rescuing young person of color’ movie, call up Rango.