2023 Reading List

In a digital-media saturated world, reading may be more important than ever. Your reading list is important. I hope everyone posts their reading list every year!

Composite picture showing 10 book covers and four magazine covers

A couple of these are re-reads. The last four items represent magazine subscriptions.

Discovery Of Global Warming – a history of the hard-won science from 1850’s to the present.

NeuroTribes – an exhaustive history of autism science and public awareness thereof

Economix – a graphic-novel approach to the history of economics

A City On Mars – a hard look at the technical, legal, and psychosocial feasibility of colonizing Mars

Cosmos – another classic exposition of scientific thinking by Carl Sagan (because I read DHW)

Demon Haunted World – classic exposition of scientific thinking by Carl Sagan

Shit Went Down – sweary history by James Fell

The Demon Under The Microscope – a horrific history of how the world’s first antibiotic was created (and it wasn’t penicillin)

The Facemaker – a horrific story of the history of plastic surgery in WW I

Autism Feels – an Australian writes about his experience being diagnosed as autistic during adulthood

Scientific American – I have subscribed to this magazine (or swiped someone else’s subscription as a child) my entire life. It has gone through many changes and some recent improvements. Probably my favorite mag.

National Geographic – A great, classic magazine of our world and its wonders that I have subscribed to most of my life. But since they were bought by Disney, they have taken a large downturn. Let’s see what the next year brings.

Mother Jones – Over the years I have subscribed to many news magazines, and usually let them go because they were proven *wrong* so often and in such catastrophic ways (looking at you, Economist, TIME, Newsweek, and Nation) But MJ is more of a News Topic magazine, with six issues per year. In the long run, they tend to be proven right about the big issues.

The Atlantic – a classic News+Topic magazine that goes back to 1857. A mix of great journalism and infuriatingly dumb pander pieces at present. We’ll see what the future holds.