Choosing the bear

Sketch of a variation in the 'Distracted Boyfriend' meme, in which the man looks on incredulously as the woman ogles a bear

MISOGYNISTIC, CREEPY, AND VIOLENT MEN have been outing themselves over the last week or two, responding to the meme in which a woman chooses to encounter a bear in the woods as opposed to a man. The comment sections make you wonder why women don’t just wear a suit of armor all the time.

I’ve encountered bears in the woods before and not felt any danger, but meeting a random guy in the woods makes me very uneasy. And I’m a good-sized dude.

Bears kill eight humans a year in the US vs several thousand women by men. And as with all fatality statistics, each of those deaths represents a larger number of lesser injuries. As Gavin DeBecker said; “Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.”

  • About the drawing; I am over-caffeinated this morning so my hands are a bit shaky, but I had to draw this variation on the ‘Distracted Boyfriend’ meme.